Frequently Asked Questions

Do I Need To Be Neurodivergent To Join?

Absolutely not! All you need is to have an open mind, and a willingness to work within a neurodivergent paradigm. What does that mean, I hear you ask? It means you’re open to, and happy to expect some communication to be a little different. There will be a lot of reminder emails. You might find some new choir friends who are really keen to chat and some that would rather read or chill on their phones in break time. There will be a few different music reading options, a bunch of making fun of ourselves, and not too much taking ourselves seriously. The majority of our members are neurodivergent, so we celebrate different kinds of brains. If you’re brain is considered neurotypical, then you’re automatically different to the rest of us! So, welcome!

Why do you need to know if I am diagnosed/self diagnosed?

We don’t, to be honest. Keeping those kind of statistics could be useful for any future research, or funding we apply for. If you don’t want us to have a record of your spicy status, that’s a’ok!

Do I need to be able to sing to join Spicy Choir?

Here at Spicy Choir, we firmly believe that anyone who has a voice can sing! We take experience of any kind, and we take it enthusiastically! Never sung harmonies before? No time like the present!  Never sung in front of other people before? We will never force you to sing any way that makes you uncomfortable. Done a lot of part singing and consider yourself actually pretty good? Me too! There’s room for learning and growth for you as well.

What if my neurospice comes with other co-morbid disabilities?

If there’s something you think we should know that can help you have a good time, please let us know! If we can text you the lyrics so you can access braille, we will! If you need wheelchair access, we’re on it. Co-morbidities feel like the rule rather than the exception at this point, so don’t be afraid to let us know what else you might need to feel comfortable. Carers are also more than welcome to join the choir too, so please invite them to join if you wish to have them with you during rehearsals.



There are multiple methods of paying for Spicy Choir. 

Option One: Term Subscriptions - Members with a term subscription pay $150 per term. This subscription grants access to rehearsal files and tracks, and is a cheaper option per-week. This may be paid via bank transfer or tap-pay at the first rehearsal of the term.

Option Two: Pay As You Sing - Members who pay as they sing pay $25 by tap-pay at each rehearsal they attend. This option is less cost effective and does not grant access to rehearsal files or tracks, but may be beneficial for members who feel they are unable to commit to a full term. 

Pay As You Sing members may switch to a Term Subscription at any time during the term. Term Subscriptions may be switched to Pay As You Sing at the end of the term.

Can I use my NDIS funds to pay for this choir?

The answer to this question is a very grey area. If you're interested in using NDIS funds for Spicy Choir, talk to your Case Manager about options, making sure to mention that Spicy Choir is specifically designed for neurodivergent folk, and is based on research into the benefits to executive function and self-esteem. Good luck! Let us know if there's any information they request from us.